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The International Center for Christian Leadership exists to equip pastors, evangelists, church planters,missionaries and Bible school educators to become effective leaders. The International Center for Christian Leadership accomplishes its mission through mentoring, conferences, seminars, retreats, graduate level courses on leadership and a state of the art resource center that brings the best resources in the world to church leaders in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

MA Programm

Masters of Arts in Christian Leadership is a tool to excel in God's ministry. 

To set off

Students who graduate with a Masters of Arts in Christian Leadership from ICCL should know that they have received the optimal of training and preparation for the ministry God has called them to. Together,with God's help, we will change the world.

ICCL Sessions
October, 4-7, 2021

Christian Leadership


"Christian Apologetics"


Dr. Sergey Golovin

ICCL Students - Slogan

Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

         2 Timothy 2:15



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for Christ


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© 2014 by ICCL. 

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