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Leadership Department

Study system:


Classes are scheduled four times a year. Each session takes one week of study (5 work days). At this time students study one subject. A student may choose what class to take at one's convenience. Depending on what classes are taken and when they are taken will determine when a student finishes the MA course.


Each class is opened for auditors.



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for Christ


Core Theological 
(15 Credit Hours):

Provide deep insight into biblical and theological issues required for church leadership


  • New Testament Theology (3)

  • The Theology of the Church and its Mission (3)

  • Christian World View (3)

  • Exegesis and Hermeneutics (3)

  • History of Evangelical Movements

Core Leadership
(9 Credit Hours):

Emphasis on personal growth of a leader and his work.


  • Principles of Christian Leadership (3)

  • Leadership and Management in Christian Organizations (3)

  • Equipping and Developing Leaders (3)

Elective. Practical Ministry
(6 Credit Hours):

Provide an opportunity for deeper study of a ministry area a student is interested in and developing personal gifting.


  • Spiritual Formation (3)

  • Christian Counseling (3)

  • Christian Apologetics (3)

  • Homiletics (3)

  • Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism  (3)

  • Methods of Theological Research & Writing (3)

  • Logics (3)

  • Self Research (3)

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